
Hamedan Power Plant to Save More Water

Hamedan Power Plant to Save More Water
Hamedan Power Plant to Save More Water

The construction of the second dry cooling tower of Shahid Mofatteh Power Plant in Hamedan Province is underway and will be completed next year, manager of the project said.
“With the allocation of the required budget, it is expected that the dry tower is operational next summer to help save water consumption in the plant,” Masoud Moradi was also quoted as saying by the Energy Ministry’s news portal Paven.
“Upon the launch of the project, it will save 85% of water consumption in the power station and help increase the electricity generation in the steam unit,” he added.
The first dry cooling tower of Shahid Mofatteh Power Station, as the first project to change the cooling system of a power plant in Iran, has been successfully in operation since 2015 and has saved 85% of water consumption in the plant so far, Moradi noted.


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