
Petrochem Sector’s Gas Consumption Meager Compared to Profit Potential

Of the total gas supplied to petrochemical factories, 50% are used as feedstock and converted to value-added products, and the rest is used as fuel to heat the boilers
Petrochem Sector’s Gas Consumption Meager Compared to Profit Potential
Petrochem Sector’s Gas Consumption Meager Compared to Profit Potential

The volume of natural gas consumed by 67 petrochemical companies in Iran is negligible compared to the industry’s revenue-generating potential.
Rejecting claims of high consumption of natural gas in petrochem sector, the Energy Today’s website, based on information from the National Petrochemical Company, reported that Iran’s daily natural gas consumption tops 700 mcm, of which only 10% or 70 mcm are used daily in the petrochem sector, while households and power plants burn 50 mcm and 30 mcm of gas per day respectively.
Of the total gas supplied to petrochemical plants, 50% are used as feedstock and converted to value-added products and the rest is used as fuel to heat the boilers.


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