
Yazd Solar Farm Supplying Power to 6,000 Households

Yazd Solar Farm Supplying Power to 6,000 Households
Yazd Solar Farm Supplying Power to 6,000 Households

Kushk Solar Power Plant in Kushk Rural District of Khatam County, Yazd Province, has generated over 4,900 megawatt hours of electricity since its inauguration three months ago, the managing director of Yazd Regional Electricity Company said.
“An undertaking of the private sector [Ghadir Energy Investment Company], the 10-MW solar farm was completed in less than 10 months at an estimated cost of $6 million,” Abolfazl Asadi was also quoted as saying by the Energy Ministry’s news portal Paven.
“The power produced at the solar farm is supplied to 6,000 households,” he said, adding that the power station has helped reduce network losses and polluting emissions.


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