
Iran Gas Use, Exports Surveyed

Iran Gas Use, Exports Surveyed
Iran Gas Use, Exports Surveyed

The state-run National Iranian Gas Company has injected close to 126 billion cubic meters of gas into the Iran Gas Trunkline (IGAT) since the beginning of the current fiscal year (March 2021-22), which is 3 bcm more compared to a year ago, the head of NIGC’s Dispatching Department said.
“Of the total output, 118 bcm were either sent to storage facilities or consumed domestically, and the rest was exported,” Mohammad Reza Joulaei was also quoted as saying by ILNA.
Giving a breakdown on domestic use, he said thermal power stations accounted for the major share of consumption at 46 bcm in the six months, up 4 bcm compared to the previous year.
Almost 92% of Iran’s electricity (60,000 megawatts) are produced by 123 power stations, most of which run on natural gas.


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