
Power Supply Restrictions on Industries Removed: Tavanir

Power Supply Restrictions on Industries Removed: Tavanir
Power Supply Restrictions on Industries Removed: Tavanir

Power supply restrictions on industries, including steel and cement factories, have been removed, a spokesperson for the Power Generation, Distribution and Transmission Company (Tavanir) said.
“Electricity supply curbs in steel and cement factories, which were introduced over the last 40 days due to high summer demand, have all been removed,” Mostafa Rajabi Mashhadi was also quoted as saying by IRNA.
Rajabi added that power demand peaked at 67,000 megawatts in July.
“Tavanir’s maximum power generation capacity is 60 gigawatts, yet demand was far beyond that. Hence, the deficit had to be compensated by imposing restrictions on industries and power outages that, of course, affected industrial and household sectors,” he said.


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