
Ilam Gas Refinery’s Sulfur Output Rises by 25% in Five Months

Ilam Gas Refinery’s Sulfur Output Rises by 25% in Five Months
Ilam Gas Refinery’s Sulfur Output Rises by 25% in Five Months

The sulfur output of Ilam Gas Refining Company in Ilam Province has grown by 25% in the first five months of the current Iranian year (March 21-Aug. 22) compared with the same period of last year, managing director of the company said.
“We expect to set a new record in sulfur production this year,” the Oil Ministry’s news agency Shana quoted Ruhollah Nourian as saying.
The refinery produced 31,250 tons of sulfur in the five-month period this year while the output in the corresponding period last year was 25,000 tons.


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