
NIGC Prepares Winter Gas Strategy

Overhaul operations on gas refineries are aimed at ensuring sufficient gas is supplied to households, industries and power plants in winter when consumption is predicted to surpass 1.2 bcm/d
NIGC Prepares Winter Gas Strategy
NIGC Prepares Winter Gas Strategy

The National Iranian Gas Company has carried out overhaul operations on 10 gas refineries since March, the head of production department at the state-run NIGC said.
“Of the total 16 gas refining complexes that produce 1 billion cubic meters of gas per day, 12 are situated in Asalouyeh, Bushehr Province, and the rest are scattered across the country,” Masoud Zardouyan was also quoted as saying by the Oil Ministry’s news portal.
Six more facilities have been shut down for maintenance and they are expected to become fully operational by November, he added.
The operations are aimed at ensuring sufficient gas is supplied to households, industries and power plants in winter when consumption is predicted to surpass 1.2 bcm/d.


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