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22 Petrochem Catalysts Worth Over $120m Indigenized

Of the total 85 catalysts used in Iran’s petrochemical industry, 22 have been indigenized, the National Petrochemical Company’s director for investment said.

“The domestically-produced catalysts are worth $123 million,” Shahram Rezaei was also quoted as saying by the Oil Ministry’s news agency Shana.

“The indigenization of 17 catalysts worth $70 million are underway,” he added.

The new products include ammonia synthesis, ethylene oxide and methanation catalysts as well as catalysts needed for natural gas dry reforming. Studies are also underway to produce the remaining catalyst groups.

A catalyst speeds up a chemical reaction but is not consumed by it. Most solid catalysts are metals or oxides, sulfides and halides of metallic elements and semi-metallic elements such as boron, aluminum and silicon.

Domestic petrochemical plants and oil refineries use $400 million worth of catalysts a year, a part of which is produced locally and the rest is imported. Iranian companies annually use at least 23,000 tons of catalysts. 

Catalyst consumption is rising and local companies are improving their R&D in the race to not fall behind foreign competitors.

Referring to NPC’s efforts to support and expand domestic technological platforms for promoting the development of petrochemical industry, 

"Reducing imports by increasing domestic production needed by downstream industries in the country is a special strategy of NPC,” Rezaei said.

"Knowledge-based companies can play an important role in the future of Iran's petrochemical industry and the Knowledge-Based Business Development Office at NPC is ready to cooperate with those interested in participating in the industry." he added.