
Gasoline Demand Rises Despite Surge in Coronavirus Fatalities to Record Highs

Gasoline Demand Rises Despite Surge in Coronavirus Fatalities to Record Highs
Gasoline Demand Rises Despite Surge in Coronavirus Fatalities to Record Highs

Demand for gasoline soared by 40% in the first four months of the current fiscal year (March 2021-22) compared with the corresponding period of last year and this is while deaths caused by the fifth wave of the Covid-19 pandemic is approaching 500 per day, the head of the National Iranian Oil Products Distribution Company said.
“Daily gasoline consumption in the 133-day period has reached 80 million liters, but the figure was barely 50 ml/d last year,” Keramat Veiskarami was also quoted as saying by ISNA.
Giving a breakdown, he noted that daily consumption in March-April was about 85 million liters, up 38 million liters compared to 2019 in the same period. Daily demand in June-July surpassed 90 million liters, showing a rise of 30% compared to 2019.


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