
Desalination Tops Gov’t Agenda

Of the 71 desalination units launched in the past decade, 54 are in the coastal areas in the south and the rest were built in the northern regions
Desalination Tops Gov’t Agenda
Desalination Tops Gov’t Agenda

Tapping into seawater and developing desalination plants to quench the thirst in parched areas, especially in southern regions which have long been suffering from acute water paucity, remain a top priority, the energy minister said.
“Seventy plus desalination plants that process 309,000 cubic meters of saline water per day were launched in the past 10 years and cost $250 million,” the Energy Ministry’s news service quoted Reza Ardakanian as saying.
The projects were mostly funded by the National Development Fund of Iran, the country's sovereign wealth fund.


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