
Comprehensive Studies Needed on Trans-Boundary Water Resources

Iran's annual water share from cross-border rivers in the north, west and east should be around 13 billion cubic meters, but it is less than 9 bcm now
Comprehensive Studies Needed on Trans-Boundary Water Resources
Comprehensive Studies Needed on Trans-Boundary Water Resources

The lack of comprehensive studies on cross-border water resources is striking, secretary for economic and financial affairs in the National Committee of Big Dams said.
“The Energy Ministry has recently embarked on extensive research projects into trans-boundary rivers but there is still a long way to go to cover all shared water resources,” Mohammad Ebrahim Raeisi was also quoted as saying by ILNA.
Tehran needs to pursue a more robust water diplomacy at the regional and international level, he added. 
Lack of such a strategy can explain why Iran’s share of transboundary water is reducing.


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