
Electricity Use at All-Time High

Tavanir’s maximum power generation capacity is 59 gigawatts, yet demand has approached 64 GW, hence the deficit has to be compensated by load shedding and power outages that have affected industrial units and household sectors
Electricity Use at All-Time High
Electricity Use at All-Time High

Iran’s electricity consumption reached an unprecedented record of 64,046 megawatts on Tuesday, the highest since keeping records started nearly a century ago.
The new record comes as high temperatures nationwide has driven electricity consumption to new heights, IRNA reported on the basis of information from Iran Grid Management Company, an Energy Ministry subsidiary.
The new figure (64,046 MW) shows a 19% growth (10,000 MW) compared to the same time and day a year ago.
Electricity consumption on June 20 surpassed 62,000 MW.


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