
Water Level in Iranian Dams Decrease by 30 Percent YOY

Since the start of the water year, the total volume of water inflow into dams has been 26.06 bcm, which was 49.42 bcm in the same period of last year and indicates a 47% decline
Water Level in Iranian Dams Decrease by 30 Percent YOY
Water Level in Iranian Dams Decrease by 30 Percent YOY

Since the beginning of the current water year (September 2020), the level of water in dams across Iran has declined by 30% year-on-year.
Currently, dams in the country have 28.01 billion cubic meters of water while the figure was 39.06 bcm last year. The total capacity of dams in Iran is 50.5 bcm and they are now 56% full, ISNA reported.
Since the start of the water year, the total volume of water inflow into dams has been 26.06 bcm. In the same period of last year, it was 49.42 bcm. This shows a 47% decline in dam water inflow this year.


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