
Developing Kermanshah Refinery With RIPI’s Indigenous Know-How

Developing Kermanshah Refinery With RIPI’s Indigenous Know-How
Developing Kermanshah Refinery With RIPI’s Indigenous Know-How

Kermanshah Oil Refinery in the western namesake province is completing development plans in collaboration with the Research Institute of Petroleum Industry and using the institute’s indigenized know-how, director of the refinery’s development program said.
“The refinery and RIPI have signed a contract, based on which the capacity of the atmospheric distillation units [processing units] is to increase from 20,000 barrels per day to 40,000 bpd. The production of Euro 5 diesel in also on the agenda,” Babak Golzari-Zamir was also quoted as saying by the Oil Ministry’s news agency Shana.
Atmospheric distillation is the first fundamental step in the refining process. Its primary purpose is to separate crude oil into its components for further processing.


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