
South Azadegan Oilfield Set to Raise Output

South Azadegan Oilfield Set to Raise Output
South Azadegan Oilfield Set to Raise Output

A contract has been signed by Petropars Group and Dana Energy Company, based on which 10 new wells will be drilled in South Azadegan Oilfield in Khuzestan Province by Dana, the managing director of Petropars said.
“The contract, including services such as engineering, procurement and drilling, as well as the implementation of 10 wells will be executed within 16 months,” Hamidreza Masoudi was also quoted as saying by the Oil Ministry’s news agency Shana.
Of the total 10 wells, nine will be production wells and one to remove wastewater, he added.
Masoudi noted that as per the contract, it is predicted that about 40 km of drilling operations will be conducted.


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