
Energy Efficiency: A Missing Link in Managing Demand

Energy Desk
One measure crucial for managing the rising energy demand is investment in energy efficiency plans -- a core issue pushed on the periphery in countries like Iran due to lack of vision and responsible policymaking
Energy Efficiency: A Missing Link in Managing Demand
Energy Efficiency: A Missing Link in Managing Demand

The National Iranian Gas Company's output stood near 260 billion cubic meters in 2020. 
As per data released by the state-run NIGC (a subsidiary of the National Iranian Oil Company), of the total production, households and thermal power plants accounted for the lion’s share of consumption at around 130 bcm and 80 bcm, respectively. 
The rest was used by industries (20 bcm) and petrochemical companies (20 bcm). Ten bcm was exported to Turkey and Iraq.
The company has projected 65% growth to reach 430 bcm in 2040, which is indeed commendable. However, demand for  gas is expected to surpass 500 bcm by that time.


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