
Petrochemical Plant Sets Production Record

Petrochemical Plant Sets Production Record
Petrochemical Plant Sets Production Record

Jam Petrochemical Company in Asalouyeh, Bushehr Province set a new record in production of olefin products last Persian calendar year (March 2020-2021), producing over 1.22 million tons of ethylene and propylene, which was 62,000 tons more than the previous year.
The higher output in the olefin unit also led to an increase in production of other petrochemicals including linear low-density polyethylene and high-density polyethylene, the National Petrochemical Company news website Nipna reported.
Ethylene is a petrochemical-derived monomer that is used in countless products including fibers and plastics and is a useful addition in making organic chemicals. Iran’s annual output of ethylene is about 7.3 million tons. 


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