
Private Co to Build Combined-Cycle Power Plant in Sistan-Baluchestan

Private Co to Build Combined-Cycle Power Plant in Sistan-Baluchestan
Private Co to Build Combined-Cycle Power Plant in Sistan-Baluchestan

Iran's Thermal Power Plants Holding Company, a subsidiary of the Energy Ministry, concluded an agreement Sunday with the privately-owned Farab Company to convert Bampour (Iranshahr) simple-cycle power plant in Sistan-Baluchestan Province into a combined-cycle station, the TPPHC boss said.
“Farab will construct a 160-megawatt steam unit that will increase the plant’s current efficiency from 30 to 50%,” Mohsen Tarztalab was quoted as saying by IRNA.
The facility already has two gas-powered units each with 160- MW capacity and the steam unit will increase the capacity to 480 MW, he said.


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