Pressure reduction in South Pars Gas Field off-shore wells is expected to start from 2025 and gas production will be as low as 400 million cubic meters in 2032, down 100% compared to present levels.
Output from the giant field off the Persian Gulf is now 800 mcm/d and will reach 1.2 billion cubic meters per day by 2024 and then a downward trend would begin, Pars Oil and Gas Company said, Mehr News Agency reported.
As of 2025, production is expected to fall by 28 mcm/d that is 10 bcm per year. Estimates suggest output will be around 400 mcm/d in 2032, when consumption will exceed 1.5 bcm/d.
"Installing offshore compressor stations in the field is the only long-term viable option to control pressure reduction," POGC chief Mohammad Meshkinfam said.
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