
Non-Revenue Water Loss at 1.6 bcm: Abfa

Non-Revenue Water Loss at 1.6 bcm: Abfa
Non-Revenue Water Loss at 1.6 bcm: Abfa

Non-revenue water loss of the National Water and Wastewater Engineering Company (Abfa) is estimated at around 25% or 1.6 billion cubic meters per year, the company’s public relations manager said.
"Of the total annual waste, 13% is real losses [through leaks, also referred to as physical losses] and 12% is apparent losses [through theft or metering inaccuracies]," Ali Seyyedzadeh was quoted as saying by IRNA.
Real losses were around 30% in 2014, he said, and noted that Abfa has reduced it by 17% in the last seven years. Non-revenue water refers to water that has been produced and lost in different ways before it reaches consumers.
Abfa supplies close to 6.4 bcm of water to the national distribution network each year, of which massive 25% is wasted, he noted.


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