
Water Supplied to 8 Million Rural Population in 7 Years

Water Supplied to 8 Million Rural Population in 7 Years
Water Supplied to 8 Million Rural Population in 7 Years

With the launch of water supply projects to 137 villages in Markazi and Fars provinces on Tuesday, the number villages with piped water has surpassed 12,100, the energy minister said.
In the past seven years more than 8 million people in rural areas were provided with safe water. “We hope by mid-summer more than 10 million rural people will have access to potable water,” Reza Ardakanian was quoted as saying by the Energy Ministry news portal Paven.
The new projects in the two central and southern provinces cover a population of over 60,000 people. In Markazi piped water was supplied to 74 villages via a 198-km pipeline for 29,231 people. The project cost $1.2 million.


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