
Semnan Water Problems Persist

Semnan Water Problems Persist
Semnan Water Problems Persist

The level of groundwater resources in Semnan Province on average drops annually by 60 centimeters posing an existential threat to the water resources of the province, managing director of the Regional Water Company said.
“Semnan is among the regions with the least amount of rainfall and over 95% of the province spans the central desert, which shows the dire water condition,” Iraj Heydarian was quoted as saying by Mehr News Agency.
“More than 60% of the urban population lives in the cities of Semnan and Shahroud, and as a result we see the highest water consumption in the two cities,” the official noted.
Semnan is to the east of Tehran Province. More than 43,000 farmers earn their living from tilling the soil stretching over 198,000 hectares. They produce 1.5 million tons of farm products p.a., namely grapes, pistachio, apricot, pomegranate, olives, garlic and pepper.


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