
IDRO Producing API 610 Pumps

IDRO Producing API 610 Pumps
IDRO Producing API 610 Pumps

Heavy Duty Pumps and Water Turbine Manufacture Company (Petco) designs and manufactures assorted pumps for the gas and oil industries with indigenized materials, knowledge and expertise without the need to import technology, head of mechanical design and technical-engineering affairs said.
“In recent years Petco has strived to develop products in accordance with the API 610 standard,” Ali Shirzadegan was quoted as saying by ILNA.
The standard, defined by American Petroleum Institute, relates primarily to centrifugal pumps and centrifugal pumping systems. It provides design criteria for the actual centrifugal pump, as well as how the pump is to be tested, and the type of base it is mounted on.


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