
SP Gas Condensate Goes Largely to Major Refiner

SP Gas Condensate Goes Largely to Major Refiner
SP Gas Condensate Goes Largely to Major Refiner

South Pars Gas Complex produces 650,000 barrels of gas condensates per day, a major part (500,000 barrels) of which is piped to the Persian Gulf Star Refinery in Hormozgan Province to be converted into gasoline, deputy managing director of the complex said.
“Gas condensate is also sold to petrochemical plants in Asalouyeh and Mahshahr in the south as feedstock to produce value-added products in addition to offering it on the international ring of the Iran Energy Exchange,” IRNA reported Hossein Shamshiri as saying Wednesday.
Natural gas condensate is a low-density mixture of hydrocarbon liquids that are present as gaseous components in raw natural gas produced from gas fields.


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