
310 Megawatts Added to Kermanshah Power Output

Dalahou Combined Cycle Power Plant has an efficiency rate of 56% and domestic manufacturers provided half the equipment for the station
310 Megawatts Added to Kermanshah Power Output
310 Megawatts Added to Kermanshah Power Output

The second 310-megawatt gas unit of Dalahou Combined Cycle Power Plant in Eslamabad-e-Gharb County in Kermanshah Province, started operation Thursday as part of the government’s power infrastructure expansion plans for the western regions.
With total capacity of 910 MW, the plant has two 310 MW class F gas units, two boilers and a condenser unit. A 290 MW steam unit will go on stream in 2021, the Energy Ministry news portal reported.
The project so far has cost $400 million, of which $150 million was put up by the private sector and the rest was borrowed from the National Development Fund of Iran, the country's sovereign wealth fund. 
The first (310 MW) gas unit of the power station became operational in 2019.


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