
10 MW Solar Farm for County in Yazd

10 MW Solar Farm for County in Yazd
10 MW Solar Farm for County in Yazd

Construction of a 10 megawatt solar farm in Bafq County, Yazd Province, will start soon.
To be built on 20 hectares in the central dry region, Ghadir Solar Power Plant is expected to come online by next summer, the Energy Ministry news portal Paven reported. It is designed to generate 20 million kilowatt hours of electricity per annum.
If the same amount of power was to be produced by a thermal power plant, it would annually consume at least 5 million cubic meters of natural gas.
The project is an undertaking of the private sector, the Ghadir Energy Investment Company, which, in recent years, has built solar farms in Qom and Isfahan provinces as well as Mehriz County in Yazd.


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