
Reclaimed Wastewater for Hamedan Petrochem Plant

Reclaimed Wastewater for Hamedan Petrochem Plant
Reclaimed Wastewater for Hamedan Petrochem Plant

To help alleviate water shortages in Hamedan Province, Hegmataneh Petrochemical Plant will use treated wastewater instead of water from dwindling underground aquifers, managing director of the provincial water company said.
“Close to 630 million cubic meters of processed wastewater will be delivered to the petrochemical plant annually,” Mansour Sotoudeh was quoted as saying by the Energy Ministry’s news portal.
The plant is slated to become operational in August, he added.
Before construction commenced in 2004, the company had obtained permits to drill two deep (water) wells. Nonetheless, over the last 16 years underground resources in the region have depleted to the extent that the wells cannot be used anymore and should be sealed.


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