
Petrochem Plant in Hamedan to Produce Medical Grade PVC

Petrochem Plant in Hamedan to Produce Medical Grade PVC
Petrochem Plant in Hamedan to Produce Medical Grade PVC

Hegmataneh Petrochemical Plant in Hamedan Province is set for launch in the second half of the current fiscal year, and when operational will produce one of the rarest petrochemicals in the world.
The plant will annually produce 48,000 tons of medical grade powder and granular polyvinyl chloride (PVC), which is one of the unique petrochemicals and only a few countries have the technology to produce it, the Oil Ministry news agency Shana reported.
PVC from the facility will be of special importance as it is used in manufacturing products for hospitals and pharmaceutical firms.
Currently, Abadan, Ghadir, Bandar Imam and Arvand petrochemical complexes produce around 745,000 tons of PVC a year.


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