
Petrochem Company in Lordegan Starts Ammonia Production

Petrochem Company in Lordegan Starts Ammonia Production
Petrochem Company in Lordegan Starts Ammonia Production

The ammonia unit of Lordegan Petrochemical Company in western Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari Province has started production, the managing director said.
“The unit can produce 677,000 tons of ammonia per year,” the Oil Ministry news agency Shana quoted Mohsen Mahmoudi as saying.
Construction of the urea unit of the plant is over and it will come online next month, with an annual production capacity of 1,073 tons.
Lordegan Petrochemical Company is a subsidiary of Iranian Investment Petrochemical Group, located 55km off the city of Lordegan, and $800 million has been invested in the two units so far.


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