
Iran Petrochem Revenue $14.5 Billion

With abundant hydrocarbon resources and private sector investments, Iran is striving to play its destined role in the international petrochemical market and broaden its scope
Iran Petrochem Revenue $14.5 Billion
Iran Petrochem Revenue $14.5 Billion

The 55 petrochemical companies in Iran produced 31 million tons of products in the last fiscal (ended in March) and exports generated $9.5 billion, managing director of National Petrochemical Company said.
“Of the total output, 23 million tons were exported to international markets and the balance (8 million tons worth $5 billion) was sold inside the country,” the Oil Ministry news agency quoted Behzad Mohammadi as saying Sunday.
Last year’s production was equivalent to 2018 (close to 30 million tons) and NPC’s total earnings in 2019 stood at $14.5 billion, he said.


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