
Iran Produced 267 Billion cm of Gas Last Fiscal Year

Iran Produced 267 Billion cm of Gas Last Fiscal Year
Iran Produced 267 Billion cm of Gas Last Fiscal Year

An estimated 267 billion cubic meters of natural gas was produced in the last fiscal year that ended in March, director of dispatching at the National Iranian Gas Company said.
“Of the total production, 215 bcm was used domestically and the balance (52 bcm) was either exported to Iraq,Turkey and Armenia or used in oilfields,” Mehdi Jamshidi Dana was quoted as saying by the Oil Ministry’s news portal.
Giving a breakdown on internal use, he Jamshidi Dana said the household and commercial sectors accounted for the lion’s share at 112 bcm during the period.
Regarding power plants and industries, the two key setors used 61 bcm and 42 bcm of gas respectively in fiscal 2018-2019.


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