
Less Rainfall Amid Rising Water Consumption in Iran

Following outbreak of the coronavirus in Iran and 203 other countries and the need to observe personal hygiene, water consumption across the country has jumped because of regular washing of hands and cleaning possessions and the environment
Less Rainfall Amid Rising Water Consumption in Iran
Less Rainfall Amid Rising Water Consumption in Iran

Average rainfall in Iran since the beginning of the current water year (Sept 23, 2019) until April 1, 2020 shows a 38-millimeter decline compared to the same period last year.
Rainfall in 192 days reached 241 millimeters while in the past year same period 279 mm of rain fell, IRNA reported. 
The decrease comes amid rising water consumption due to the spread of the coronavirus in Iran.
Following spread of COVID-19 in Iran and 203 other countries and the need to observe personal hygiene and health safety measures, water consumption in the country has jumped because of regular washing of hands and cleaning possessions and the environment.


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