
Utility Struggles to Cut Non-Revenue Water

Utility Struggles to Cut Non-Revenue Water
Utility Struggles to Cut Non-Revenue Water

It is estimated that 600 million cubic meters of water is wasted in the country every year. From this colossal malfunction the loss of 153 mcm (non-revenue water) cannot be avoided, head of the customer department at the National Water and Wastewater Engineering Company (Abfa) said.
"Abfa's non-revenue water (in urban areas) is 25.5%, of which 11.8% are real losses [through leaks, also referred to as physical loss] and 13.7% are apparent losses [theft and meter measuring errors]," Ali Seyyedzadeh was quoted as saying by IRNA.
Non-revenue water in rural regions is 30%.
Abfa fixed 1.2 million faulty water meters plus 15,000 kilometers of leaky pipelines between 2009 and 2018, he said, without providing details.


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