
Iran's Manjil Wind Power Making Its Mark

In addition to the wind power plant, nine other power stations generate 2,500 MW. A large part (2,000 MW) is generated in Pareh-sar and Gilan combined-cycle power stations and the rest from hydroelectric and cogeneration units
Manjil Wind Power Making Its Mark
Manjil Wind Power Making Its Mark

Electricity generated in Manjil wind farm in Gilan Province (with an installed capacity of 90 megawatts), surged 80% in 2019 compared to the year before, head of the provincial power company said.
“The wind power plant (with 171 wind turbines) produced 86,000 megawatt hours of electricity in the period,” Azim Bolbolabadi was quoted as saying by the Energy Ministry news portal.
This volume is 80% more compared to the corresponding period in 2018 when output was 48,000 MW hours, he said.


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