
Mahshahr Petrochem Plant Helping Tiremakers Reduce Polymer Import

Mahshahr Petrochem Plant Helping Tiremakers Reduce Polymer Import
Mahshahr Petrochem Plant Helping Tiremakers Reduce Polymer Import

The second phase of Takht-e-Jamshid Petrochemical Plant in Mahshahr, Khuzestan Province, will be inaugurated in the coming days, managing director of National Petrochemical Company said.
“The plant, which has been built by domestic engineers, has the capacity to produce 85,000 tons of polybutadiene rubber a year,” the Oil Ministry news agency Shana quoted Behzad Mohammadi as saying.
Polybutadiene rubber is a polymer with high resistance to damage from normal wear or usage. and is used in downstream industries for producing rubber items, especially tires.
“This project will help our tire and rubber industries reduce imports of some types of polymer,” he added.


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