
Neka Power Plant Still Addicted to Mazut

Neka Power Plant Still Addicted to Mazut
Neka Power Plant Still Addicted to Mazut

Shahid Salimi Power Plant (Neka) in Mazandaran Province, which had been banned by judicial authority of Neka County from burning mazut is still using the highly-polluting fuel, head of the provincial gas company said Wednesday.
"Despite the fact that the plant has the necessary infrastructure to use natural gas as feedstock, using eco-unfriendly mazut has not stopped," Jafar Ahmadpour was quoted as saying by IRNA.
Referring to the completion of Damghan, Kiasar, Sari and Neka gas pipeline project in 2017, the official said the venture put an end to gas shortages in the northern region and use of the low quality fuel oil (mazut) at the plant was supposed to reach zero 18 months ago. “But it is still being used.” 


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