
Provision of Clean Water to Villages Remains a Priority

Provision of Clean Water to Villages Remains a Priority
Provision of Clean Water to Villages Remains a Priority

Supplying rural areas with clean water will be among the main activities of the Energy Ministry this year, deputy for engineering and development affairs at the National Water and Wastewater Engineering Company said.
“Water supply facilities for 1,950 villages will be completed by next March and an estimated rural population of 1.21 million will have access to safe drinking water,” ISNA quoted Shahin Pakrouh as saying.
The company has applied for $111 million from the National Development Fund of Iran, the country’s main sovereign fund.
In 2017, close to 1,583 villages with 1.17 million people were provided with drinking water, the official said, adding that a year later 1,511 villages, home to 1.2 million people, got potable water.


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