So-called “SonicSpy” malware Android application is causing havoc through the smart phone industry, after a security firm highlighted it is hidden in thousands of apps. According to Lookout Security, more than 4,000 apps containing SonicSpy have appeared online since February, Engadget reported. This tool makes use of the existing Android permission system to record audio from the user, which it does at the behest of those running the command and control server. However, the user must grant the audio recording permission on newer devices. Android added granular control of permissions in Marshmallow, but many users still just blindly tap the boxes to confirm permissions when apps ask. SonicSpy can capture audio, take photos, and access call logs. However, three apps containing SonicSpy did show up in the Play Store, the most popular of which was called Soniac. It billed itself as a messaging app and was based on the open source Telegram client. Iran’s CafeBazaar Android application store said in response that it checks the security of all applications before releasing them on their stores.