Elon Musk’s Tesla Company has won a contract with Australia’s Transgrid to supply power-packing energy storage devices across several cities in New South Wales, in the first deal of its kind for the firm. The deal between the Australian power supplier and the futuristic US-based company will take effect with a relatively small 250kW/500KWh Powerpack station at the Sydney Alexandra Canal Works depot, which will be completed in the next few months, according to the Australian Financial Review. “The Powerpack battery will save the city of Sydney on its energy bills and allow it to add more solar panels to the Alexandra Canal Works depot, helping to manage the energy flow by storing surplus power generated in daylight hours for lighting, air conditioning, plant and equipment use at night,” Tesla said following the deal. As part of a contract awarded to Tesla, the projects will follow several more across Transgrid’s network in order to create energy storage capacity for demand response. If this project proves successful, Tesla will roll out several other deals to cities across the sunny continent.