Economy, Sci & Tech

Int’l MoU to Help Develop Iran’s Game Industry

Int’l MoU to Help Develop Iran’s Game Industry
Int’l MoU to Help Develop Iran’s Game Industry

A memorandum of understanding was signed last week to develop Iran’s game and animation industries. The signatories were the United Nations Industrial Development Organization, Iran Computer and Video Games Foundation and the Ministry of Cooperatives, Labor and Social Welfare.  According to the foundation’s official website, the newly signed MoU obliges the foundation to devise plans to create jobs, support further development of the industry in several regions and provide education and financial support to active firms and entrepreneurs. This is while UNIDO is obliged to introduce the Iranian foundation to the international market and major players in the sector and help the institution attract professional manpower and financial resources.

UNDIO is also willing to offer loans to the Iranian videogame and animation companies.