Economy, Sci & Tech

Hyundai, Cisco to Develop Car Tech

Hyundai, Cisco to Develop  Car Tech
Hyundai, Cisco to Develop  Car Tech

Hyundai Motor said it will partner with Cisco Systems to develop Internet-connected car technology, part of the automaker's push to develop "high-performing computers on wheels". Auto and tech firms are increasingly forming alliances to expand services that hook cars up to Internet, particularly as the race to develop self-driving cars heats up, according to Reuters. Hyundai Vice Chairman Chung Eui-sun met Cisco Chief Executive Chuck Robbins in Seoul and agreed to co-develop in-vehicle network technology for high-speed transfer of large amounts of data. "The cooperation is part of Hyundai Motor's wider strategy to establish an industry-leading connected car platform through collaboration with leading technology partners," it said in a statement. Other alliances include Toyota Motor Corp's expansion this month of a five-year-old partnership with Microsoft Corp to develop new Internet-connected vehicle services for owners and dealers.