Cyan Technology, a British smart metering firm, has received an initial purchase order from Iranian telecommunications contractor Micromodje for the installation of 2,000 smart traffic meters into street cameras in Iran.
The initial purchase order is worth $82,000 with an upfront payment of $63,000, FE InvestEgate reported.
The order from Micromodje is for the supply of Cyan'sCyLec Advanced Metering Infrastructure solution, which includes RF modules, data concentrator units, head-end software licenses (charged on a per meter per year basis), software installation services and an annual software maintenance agreement (also charged on a per meter per year basis).
The order was placed only a couple of weeks after international sanctions were lifted on Iran on 16 January and is believed to be one of the first orders secured by a UK business, with support from the specialist UK Trade and Investment team and the British Embassy in Tehran.
Cyan provides a communication platform for energy, lighting and emerging applications in the wider ‘Internet of Things’ network.
Cyan’s smart metering solutions enhance quality of service in emerging regions, through power savings, lower operating costs and increased cost efficiency.