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Economy, Sci & Tech

Iranian Expats to Invest in Sci-Tech

Members of the Iranian-American diaspora met with delegates accompanying President Hassan Rouhani to the United Nations and discussed investment opportunities in Iran’s science and technology sector.

IRNA reported that the meetings were held on the sidelines of the annual UN General Assembly meeting in the US city of New York.

The unnamed Iranian émigrés held one-on-one meetings with President Rouhani and Vice President for Science and Technology Sorena Sattari on Monday.

Iranian expatriates residing in the US will make $2 billion worth of investment in scientific projects throughout the country, the report said.

According to the report, the delegates held a series of high-profile meetings to disseminate the best way to invest in the country.  They also held discussions with Iranian university representatives and intellectuals.

The current administration announced upon taking office in 2013 that it would offer incentives to persuade Iranian expats to invest in the country.

So far, the government has promoted projects such as science and technology parks, like in Pardis east of Tehran as well as science and technology accelerators in the country’s universities.