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Robotics Event Focuses on Water Crisis

An Innovation Robotics League has been planned in Iran with the motto "Preserving water resources: preserving life of future generation".

Organized in collaboration with Amirkabir University of Technology, Iran Water Resources Management Company and the Water and Wastewater Organization of Alborz Province, the event aims to promote the use of robotic technologies in creating viable solutions to Iran's water crisis, IRNA reported.

"The goals of the event are to promote creativity and problem solving skills among students while familiarizing them with the principles of robotics," said Soroush Sadeqnejad, head of the Technical Committee of Amirkabir University's International Robotics and Artificial Intelligence Festival.  

Contestants may register as of September 23. The league will be held in two sections. In the first section, students will be asked to develop an idea and prepare themselves to present it during the competitions. They will be graded based on the originality of the ideas and the quality of presentations.

In the second section, as per the regulations, students will have to design and build robots that can take part in multi-tier competitions.

As Iran is located in the world’s most water-stressed region, it suffers severe water shortage. Perpetual drought and declining precipitation have displaced thousands and a crisis is around the corner.

Government subsidies on water have failed to encourage efficiency and public education messages on media have not reduced water consumption in the agricultural or industrial sectors.

Sadeqnejad noted that in a matter of months, AUT will also be hosting the fifth edition of the international robotic competitions, known as AUTCup 2015, as well as the third edition of the international artificial intelligence cup AAIC 2015 and the first edition of Iran FIRACup Open 2015.

By October 7, a board of jurors will release the final list of university and school teams qualified to enter the competitions.