Economy, Domestic Economy

Iran's H1 Non-Oil Foreign Trade Tops $45b (Mar-Sep, 2018)

Iran's H1 Non-Oil Foreign Trade Tops $45b (Mar-Sep, 2018)
Iran's H1 Non-Oil Foreign Trade Tops $45b (Mar-Sep, 2018)

Iran’s non-oil foreign trade during the first half of the current fiscal year (March 21-Sept. 22) stood at $45.3 billion, indicating a 0.7% decline compared with last year’s corresponding period. 
The country, however, saw a trade surplus of $941 million in H1. 
Exports, excluding crude oil, mazut, kerosene and suitcase trade, hit 56.64 million tons worth $23.12 billion, indicating a 3% decrease in weight and a 13% increase in value year-on-year, the latest report by the Islamic Republic of Iran Customs Administration shows. 
Imports amounted to 16.22 million tons worth $22.18 billion, down by...

Find out more about Iran's top exports, main export destinations and top exporters to Iran during the six months to September 21:


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