Economy, Domestic Economy

Exports From Sistan-Baluchestan Top 560K Tons

Exports From Sistan-Baluchestan Top 560K Tons
Exports From Sistan-Baluchestan Top 560K Tons

A total of 564,971 tons of commodities worth $192.67 million were exported from Sistan-Baluchestan Province in southeast Iran during the first four months of the current fiscal year (March 21-July 22), registering an increase of 67% in value compared with last year’s corresponding period. According to Nader Mirshekar, the head of Sistan-Baluchestan Industries, Mining and Trade Organization, $107.09 million worth of exports (constituting 55% of the total) have gone to Pakistan, which mark an 85% increase year-on-year, IRNA reported.  The commodities exported to Pakistan mainly included cement, date, apple, tomato and watermelon.


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