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Economy, Domestic Economy

Guilds Chief Appointed Member of Budgeting Committee

Head of Iran Chamber of Guilds Ali Fazeli has been appointed as a new member of the Budgeting Committee by the head of Plan and Budget Organization, Mohammad Baqer Nobakht.  Developing the government’s annual budget and paving the way for the submission of the budget bill to the parliament within the time limit established by law are the main tasks of the committee. “Many a time we [Iran Chamber of Guilds] have underlined the significance of the involvement of private sector in macroeconomic policymaking. Fortunately, they [the government] have reached this conclusion after 40 years [since the establishment of the Islamic Republic],” Fazeli was quoted as saying by ILNA.    The activities of Iranian guilds, trade unions and other trade and industry associations are regulated by Iran Chamber of Guilds.  The chamber is an association of guilds formed to provide a single organization for managing the affairs of Iran’s numerous guilds, to enforce state control over guilds and collect information and statistics on their activities. It represents the interests of the guilds and serves as a link between them and government authorities. ICG operates under the supervision of the Ministry of Industries, Mining and Trade.