Economy, Domestic Economy

Iran Exports Register Monthly Trade Surplus

Exports have been posting strong growth since Dec. 22, the start of winter.
Exports have been posting strong growth since Dec. 22, the start of winter.

Iran’s non-oil trade balance turned positive in the 30 days to Feb. 19, which marks the end of the Iranian month of Bahman, given the monthly exports of $6.07 billion and imports of $4.85 billion, the Islamic Republic of Iran Customs Administration reported. 
Exports have been posting strong growth since Dec. 22, the start of winter, and have kept up the upward trend to narrow monthly trade deficit from $2 billion in Azar (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) to a trade surplus of $1.22 billion in Bahman. 
Monthly exports rose by 26% to reach $3.97 billion in the Iranian month of Dey (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) compared to the previous month. 
Iran’s non-oil foreign trade during the 11 months to Feb. 19 stood at $89.34 billion, indicating a 16.17% rise compared to last year’s corresponding period.
Exports hit 117.95 million tons worth $41.69 billion, indicating a 4.96% decline in value year-on-year.


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