Economy, Domestic Economy

Transit Dispute With Turkey

Transit Dispute With Turkey
Transit Dispute With Turkey

Turkey does not allow Iranian trucks to cross the border, while Iran still lets Turkish trucks enter the Iranian territory if their drivers agree to seal their vehicles’ fuel tanks, Mohammad Javad Atrchian, the head of transit office of Islamic Republic of Iran Road Maintenance and Transportation Organization, told ISNA on Tuesday. “Iranian officials are not after damaging relations with Turkey, a neighbor country, and are still negotiating with Turkish customs officials to find a solution for the current dispute,” he said. Iran and Turkey have for months been involved in a dispute over the cheap fuel the Turkish trucks consume after entering Iran. Atrchian rejected Turkish media claims that Iran has blocked its border to Turkish trucks, arguing, “Iran just stopped those trucks wanting to enter Iran without respecting the transit regulations that urge them to get their tanks sealed before crossing the border,” he explained.