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Economy, Domestic Economy

Gov’t Voices Support for GM Agro Products

The Iranian government supports biotechnology research and efforts to advance transgenic technologies in agriculture, says government spokesman, Mohammad Baqer Nobakht. He also rejected the scare campaigns against genetically modified products and called for patience on behalf of biotechnologists in the face of opponents, ISNA reported. Transgenic technology refers to the processes that remove genetic material from one species of plant and add it to another to improve crop yields and protect those yields from pests and disease. So far, there is scientific consensus that food on the market derived from genetically modified crops poses no greater risk to human health than conventional food. However, opponents object to the use of GM crops on several grounds including, but not limited to, environmental concerns and food safety. According to Azad Omrani a member of the Agricultural Products National Association and Iran Organic Association, annual imports of genetically modified food stand at about $5.5 billion.